Directions to the Cook.

Altho’ I am not ignorant that it hath been a long Time, since the Custom began among People of Quality to keep Men Cooks, and generally of the French Nation; yet because my Treatise is chiefly calculated for the general Run of Knights, 'Squires, and Gentlemen both in Town and Country, I shall therefore apply myself to you, Mrs. Cook, as a Woman: However, a great Part of what I intend may serve for either Sex; and your Part naturally follows the former, because the Butler and you are join'd in Interest; your Vails are generally equal, and paid when others are disappointed: You can junket together at Nights upon your own Progue, when the rest of the House are abed; and have it in your Power to make every Fellow-servant your Friend; you can give a good Bit or a good Sup to the little Masters and Misses, and gain their Affections: A Quarrel between you is very dangerous to you both, and will probably end in one of you being turned off; in which fatal Case, perhaps, it will not be so easy in some Time to cotton with another. And now Mrs. Cook, I proceed to give you my Instructions, which I desire you will get some Fellow-servant in the Family to read to you constantly one Night in every Week when you are going to Bed, whether you serve in Town or Country, for my Lessons shall be fitted for both.



Published by Les Éditions de Londres

© 2013 — Les Éditions de Londres

ISBN : 978-1-909782-11-2